Charleston Sex Crime Lawyer
It’s Time to Tell Your Side of the Story
Once you have been charged with a sex crime it is imperative that you find a capable attorney as soon as possible. The penalties for these offenses are severe, and even if you avoid jail time a conviction will likely mean that you must register as a sex offender every year for the rest of your life. While these charges are serious, it is in your best interests to stay calm and focus on how you can defend your good name. The sooner you enlist the services of a lawyer, the more time they will have to investigate the case and find evidence corroborating your defense.
You can meet with a Charleston criminal defense attorney an no charge during a personal case evaluation by calling Sanders Law Firm, LLC at (843) 573-8828.
Misdemeanor & Felony Sex Crimes
There are some sex crimes that are prosecuted as misdemeanors. A misdemeanor may not carry the same penalties as a felony, but do not let this mislead you into believing that a misdemeanor sex offense is not serious. Most convictions come with brief jail time, a fine, and registering as a sex offender. It is this last item that is the most serious as it severely limits where you can live, work, and even who you can interact with.
A felony criminal charge almost always comes with a jail sentence and lifetime registration as a sex offender. In addition to the penalties, the social stigma and shame can have a serious impact on your life.
Examples of sex crimes include:
- Illegally creating and distributing pornographic material
- Indecent exposure
- Rape in any form
- Prostitution
- Voyeurism (spying on others for sexual pleasure)
- Child molestation
It is possible to commit sex crimes without realizing it, even by accident. Even children can be ordered to register as sex offenders. You should not be forced to endure penalties for the rest of your life for a mistake you made out of ignorance. Find out how the Charleston criminal lawyers at Sanders Law Firm, LLC can help.
We Are On Your Side
Simply being charged with a sex crime can be a tremendous burden and damage your personal relationships. At Sanders Law Firm, LLC, you have a safe space to come and explain your side of the situation. Our Charleston sex crimes lawyer can act as your advocate and make sure your voice is heard in court. Schedule your consultation today by calling (843) 573-8828 to start discussing the details of your case.